
Highly Sensitive People

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Malintra-Shadowmoon's avatar

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The first human job sharing might have been into shaman and non-shaman, with other words: HSP and non-HSP. The earliest task of a shaman or High Sensitive were probably the observation, interpretation and influencing of nature. It was HSPs who recognized the relations between man and nature, observed the weather cycles and interpreted the most favourable time for cultivation, harvesting or chasing. They were mediators between mankind and the non-human or godly world and thus some kind of a primeval priest. The conjuration of natural demons by self-created images with the help of rhythms and plastic models and the creation of communication with the higher powers could be considered as beginnings of ceremony and art. Besides the priesthood, HSPs also dominated the domain of art and science. Further traditional responsibilities of High Sensitives were the tradition and archives. In addition, HSPs often were competent in healing and health, the wholeness and life-help. Another resort was that of a consultant who cared for the maintenance of social stability by forming the voice of reason and deliberateness on the side of ruling people. Thus HSPs had a firm place in the middle of society where their far-sightedness and complex perception was highly appreciated.

Highly Sensitive People have according to a psychological disposition an increased susceptibility for stimulations. This increased receptivity for outer (e.g. noises, odours, contacts) und inner stimulations (e.g. reminiscences, ideas, thoughts) leads to the fact that Highly Sensitives perceive more information. In addition, they process these vastly deeper and profounder than non-Highly Sensitive People.

Typical mostly positive lived aspects of high sensitiveness are:

- marked intuition and the ability to read between the lines
- strong sense of justice and idealism
- sensitiveness
- intensive feeling, perception and living
- perfectionism und reliability
- very good perception of details
- being strongly attracted by the beauty of nature and art
- thinking in wider connections, deep reflection
- strong sympathy for the sorrow but also for the happiness of other people
- susceptibility for mysticism and symbolism
- creativity

Typical mostly negative lived aspects of high sensitiveness are:

- support stress and hectic only with difficulty
- inclination to diverse oversensitivenesses (allergies, food incompatibilities etc.)
- have difficulties in demarcation
- being startled easily
- the feeling to be less able to stress
- inclination to overreaction
- inclination to pondering
- the frequent need to withdraw

A lot of HSPs are strongly empathetic. They strongly get into the spirit of their fellow-men, thus share their feelings and obtain on this way understandig for the action of the others. Empathy is a gift that makes it possible to have a close link to the psyche of other people. People who project themselves too much into other peoples' mind are endangered to put their own wishes and feeling so far in the background that they forget to perceive them not at all.

Further typical abilities and talents of Highly Sensitive People are:

- great potential in recognizing of avoiding of mistakes or errors
- conscientiousness and ethics
- above-average ability to concentrate
- marked ability to recognize little differences
- Reflectiveness, reflection, thorough procession of the perceived
- being very critical and perfectionist
- lifelong ability to learn and curiosity
- strong influence by stimulations and emotions of others (positive as well as negative)
- good listener, patient
- rather "right brain-half" thinker, that means less straight but instead of creative and synthesizing.

A negative side-effect of the high sensitivity is the early reach of feelings like flood of stimulation or overtaxation. So, vapours or dust in the air can influence a Highly Sensitive as strong as loud music, glaring light, tight clothes or the noises of computers or other machinery. Hunger can bring a Highly Sensitive so out of control that he cannot concentrate any longer even with great efforts. Lack of sleep reduces the efficiency of HSPs massively, mutual tensions or conflicts upset them completely and in situations of competition or under observation it is more difficult for them to obtain good results. Often there will be found a strong appeal of Highly Sensitives to fears, sorrows and needs of their fellow-men or other creatures in general. A lot of difficulties go along with the fact that a Highly Sensitive Person expects unconsciously the same sensitiveness from his fellows. This can easily lead to be misunderstood or to feel being treated unjust. Often the Highly Sensitives are those who risk their lives in times of terror and absurdity to help other or to honour the truth.

However, in our modern Western civilisation HSPs are rather pushed to the edge. They mostly do not place themselves into the foreground, feel not well in situation of competition and thus are mostly thos in professional life who obtain no promotion. They do not put themselves on the stage or sell themselves noisy. Besides that, the professions which former were typical for Highly Sensitive People changed in recent times und now they are too profit-oriented and nerve-racking. Professional refuges for Highly Sensitives are still therapist, psychologist, helping professions but also programmer and other resorts where consequent logic is asked as well as recesses in teachership. Also scientists, artists and archivists of knowledge and art are still in the hands of High Sensitives.

But all societies and life-forms sooner or later pay their price for the non-integrity and non-consideration of the valuable and particular abilities of their highly sensitive representatives. A society without a sensitive consultant will come sometime into difficulties because it is lacking the necessary balance against the cult of the stronger and the chase for short-term success. These difficulties can already be seen and felt and it is hopefully only a question of time until it will be acted correspondingly.
An essay about Highly Sensitives.
© 2012 - 2024 Malintra-Shadowmoon
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Bevore the systeme ruined my life, it was exactly like that.


Breath in - Sunrise
Breath out - Sunset
Daylight - Breathing
Citylights - Breathing

Heart - Rhythm - Beats
Keep breathing

Fire in your Eyes
Dreams of open Skies
Need breathing

Light it up
Breath in


Wandering in the empty streets of our wishes, a rain-drop runs down your nose, clips to its top - Breath out

20.001 raindrops create together one sea
How could they be alone
While falling

In the rain
Lay down
Your burning guitar

The crashing drops will play for you
Listen for 20.001 hits
"firebirds in the magic night"

20.000 miles away, 1 voice
Life is everywhere, one rhythm
So please, dance with me.